Yooh Encircled: How Dreamcatcher’s Lead Vocalist’s Versatility & Vulnerability Influence Her MV Roles
Yooh Encircled, Part 1: Villain & Victim
Note: all images used in this post are either screenshots from DC MVs or images posted to @hf_dreamcatcher
I have a soft spot for DC’s lead vocalist Yoohyeon. I think, though, that sometimes the roles she plays in music videos (especially the ones from the Nightmare series) lead to her being misunderstood and even stereotyped by some insomnia. That is, I suspect that because she often plays the villain or the victim and because she such a dual personality, Yooh is sometimes seen as a bit shallower than the other members.
It’s unfortunate that some of these roles she plays feed the discourse about her.
But that is more of a problem of fan interpretation than of the situation DCC puts Yoohyeon in. She is, in fact, crucial to the stories they’ve been telling.
But first, we need to talk about circles.
Circles show up quite a bit in DC’s music videos. They’re a potent, flexible symbol. Circles can come in the form of lenses, portals, moons, eyes, targets, mirrors, crowns, clock faces, collars, rings. They can also be spheres or tubes.
Because they have no beginning or end, circles take on many meanings–being bound in a positive way (a wedding ring) or a negative way (a collar). They often used to represent eternity and thus either recurrence, progress, or stasis.
Very often in DC’s MV’s circles are associated with Yoohyeon. And they are associated with the two major roles she tends to play in DC MV’s (and sometimes on vlives and variety shows): the victim and the villain.
When we first see Yooh in the Chase Me MV, she’s literally confined in a circle of her members. The rest of the video also features other circle motifs.
Yoohyeon is also the first member we see in the Good Night video (although it flashes by quickly). She’s portrayed as being confined in a circular mirror.
Granted, so are the other members. But things change, whenYooh’s role becomes more distinct in the Fly High MV where we learn she has instigated the nightmare they’re trapped in by killing a spider with a magnifying glass (a lens, a circle), thus becoming both the villain and main victim.
The burning of the spider is the original sin that launches the nightmare series. Yoohyeon and the other members are put under the curse of a spider lady/goddess.
In the next MV–You and I–Yooh tries to use a camera lens and flash (both circular) to try trap the spider lady.
But she fails, instead, her mind (or soul?) is trapped in a different dimension. Her members place her in a circle (a protective one? a summoning one?), and it seems as if they may have been able to open a portal so she can escape.
However, Yooh is unable to reach the (circular) portal before it closes. She remains trapped.
In What, the circle that lets us know Yooh is still trapped shows up in different forms: as an out of focus snow globe…
a partially obscured moon…
and a folded spotlight…
These may be subtle images, but their circular shapes continue the symbolism of her mind/soul and suggest that Yoohyeon is still under the influence of the spider witch/woman/goddess.
In Piri, the members go once more in search of Yooh and have to face their fears as they do so. We see circle motifs as Siyeon tries to escape the labyrinth of corridors she finds herself in.
And also in the form of the clock faces that are clearly tormenting Handong in some way.